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Boxford Common Parking and Directions

Boxford Common - 19 Middleton Road Boxford

Welcome to the Boxford Common!!!

The Boxford Common Field Complex is located at

19 Middleton Road Boxford MA 01921

Google Maps

Link to Google Maps for 19 Middleton Road Boxford

Parking at The Boxford Common

**Parking is Permitted in marked spaces only within the Boxford Common

**Captain Cashin Way is an Emergency Access Road - Emergency vehicles not only need quick access but also must have the ability to turn around without driving to the end.

**No Parking is allowed on either side of Captain Cashin Way

**No Parking is allowed on any grass or dirt area

**All violations are subject to ticketing


Turf Field Parking

Grass Field Parking

Additional Parking available at

Harry Lee Cole Elementary – 26 Middleton Road