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The Spring 2025 Boxford and Masco Youth Soccer SEASON  REGISTRATION for Pre-K through Grade  7/8 players - is OPEN until February 15, 2025.    

Target Spring Start - is the 2nd week of April with first games on April 12, 2025.

It is important that all Grade 3/4 Travel players  registered as soon as possible.  All travel teams for Fall/Spring must be submitted to Essex County so we need to understand finalize registrations so we can ensure the right number of teams and coaches are submitted for scheduling.


Registration for 2024-2025 Masco Youth Soccer  FALL and SPRING SEASONs is OPEN for Boxford, Middleton and Topsfield players entering Grades 5/6 and Grades 7/8.

  • All players must register in order to participate in Tryouts (details below...keep reading).
  • Grade groupings for registration:
    • G6: Players who will be in grades 5 and 6 in fall of 2024
    • G8: Players who will be in grades 7 and 8 in fall of 2024
  • Please register via our website at https://reg.sportspilot. com/105575/login
    • The default registration is for the FULL YEAR of ECYSA league (both Fall and Spring) for $225
    • If your child wishes to play FALL ONLY, there is an option at checkout to add a "product" called "play fall only" and reduce the price by $90 to bring the cost down to the single season price of $135.

We are excited to offer an expanded tryout process again this year. Some key points:

  1. Parents are NOT allowed to attend tryouts and watch. No exceptions. This process can be stressful for the children and we do not want any added anxiety from parents watching and commenting. 
  2. TWO tryout dates for each age group / gender.
    • Please try to attend both. 
    • Please notify us regarding any conflicts.
  3. Independent evaluators from Skillzcheck. 
    • Day 1 (drills) will be exclusively run by Skillzcheck
    • Day 2 (scrimmage) may include evaluation support by parent volunteers. We require that parent volunteers involved in the evaluation process do not have a child trying out in that age group.
  4. Tryout results are supplemented with coach evaluations from the past season.
  5. ALL PLAYERS WILL BE PLACED ON A TEAM. The evaluation process is to help identify the level of competition that will best promote the development of each player.
  6. Twins or siblings in the same age group will not necessarily be placed on the same team UNLESS parents explicitly ask. If parents wish to keep twins/siblings on the same team, and if they are not at the same level of development, they will be placed at the level of the sibling with the need for a lower level of competition.
  7. Please let us know if you expect your child to have significant conflicts from other sports during the fall or spring season. We do not penalize players for this, rather, we would like to be able to adjust the roster sizes to account for players who might be occasionally missing.

Tryout Schedule Below:

Group   Day 1   Day 2   Arrival   Pickup   Location
    Skills   Scrimmage   Time   Time    
Entering Grades 5 & 6 in Fall 2024                    
Boys   Tues, May 28   Tues, June 4   4:00 PM   5:45 PM   Boxford Commons
Girls   Tues, May 28   Tues, June 4   6:15 PM   8:00 PM   Boxford Commons
Goalkeepers (Boys and Girls)*   Wed, June 5       4:15 PM   5:15 PM   Klock
Entering Grades 7 & 8 in Fall 2024                    
Boys   Mon, June 3   Mon, June 10   4:00 PM   5:45 PM   Boxford Commons
Girls   Mon, June 3   Mon, June 10   6:15 PM   8:00 PM   Boxford Commons
Goalkeepers (Boys and Girls)*   Wed, June 5       5:30 PM   6:30 PM   Klock
* Goalkeepers should also attend at least one night of field evaluations.        


Team Formation Notes:

Our team formation process will occur in the weeks following tryouts, after we receive the data from Skillzcheck. Teams will not be communicated prior to August. The goal of team formation is to place the children on teams of like skill and at a level within the league that is best for their development. Team formation for each age group is done by a committee of 6 volunteers with equal representation of the three towns and of the two grade levels within each division. Parent volunteers must excuse themselves from team placement discussions of their own children and all committee conversations include a Co-President who does not have a child in the age group. The Presidents of each town review all teams and give final approval. 



In 2016 US Youth Soccer and Massachusetts Youth Soccer made changes to the age groups and players are now placed in grade groups rather than age groups. What we had known as U10 is now the G4 (Grade 3/4 Group) and the former U12 is the G6 (Grade 5/6  Group).

In addition, in 2019, Boxford, Topsfield and Middleton combined its G6 and G8 Girls and Boys programs.    Therefore, all G6 and G8 teams are part of a Masco Youth Soccer team, while G4 and younger are part of Boxford Youth Soccer only.  

Please reach out to if you have any questions.


Boxford soccer consists of two seasons, Fall and Spring, which are approximately 8 weeks in duration. The Fall season runs from early September to early November; the Spring season runs from early April until early June, and games are scheduled on both weekends of April school vacation.  Our program is affiliated with the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) and the Essex County Youth Soccer Association (ECYSA).

Information about the age groups and other soccer related topics can be found on the menu to the left of this page.

The B.A.A. does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, handicap, disability or ability to pay.  The Boxford Athletic Association does not tolerate sexual harassment by any participant in its programs, adult or child. 

Massachusetts Youth Soccer and Essex County Youth Soccer Logos

Boxford Soccer is proudly affiliated with Massachusetts Youth Soccer and Essex County Youth Soccer Association